(Non) humming servo
Posted on pon 28 maja 2018 in micropython
While I'm IoT, my servo is humming in almost every position. I hear annoying noise every time it's not moving.
After asking Dr. Google, I know that: servo is bad and I need to use another one, or is set to position which it unable to achieve and need to find another position [2], or sigal transmitter makes inaccurate signal and servo set different possition each time and I need to add capacitor to average it [3], or it's connected to two different sources of DC [4] or grounds are not connected.
None of suggestions above worked. All my servos jitters, I tried various combinations about DC sources, ground is common and I tried all available servo position. It makes noise all the time. Louder or more silent, but almost all the time. `
So, I decided to just ... turn off servo, once it reach the target.
I asumed that 1 second is enough for servo to turn from min to max position (may vary in different servos), the code is here:
from random import random
import machine
import time
class Servo:
def __init__(self, pin_num):
self.pin = machine.Pin(pin_num, machine.Pin.OUT)
self.pwm = machine.PWM(self.pin)
self.pos = None
def set(self, pos):
ftime = 1.0
if self.pos is None:
sleeptime = ftime
sleeptime = ftime * abs(pos - self.pos)
self.pos = pos
duty = int(40 + (115-40)*pos)
print("sleeptime", sleeptime)